One Belt One Road Project with Globalism

This is the most important Project in the history of the world. Chine will surround the world like a spider web. Therefore USA might be second in trade wars anymore.  Well, where is globalism the dominant view in the world?

Globalism wants the get rid of from all borders. In addiction to, ıt thinks of the world like a village. The world is a unipolar for globalism. Globalism wants to fit and space in the same place. Globalization is the greatest achievement of the twenty-first century. But it has another size. For example, J.W Head said that ‘’The process by which new multilateral institutions and rules –especially those involved in economic activity- grow in number and authority, at the expense of local and national institutions and rules’’ We are seeing economic size of globalism. Another example, J.A Scholde said ‘’ …. The rise of supraterriotorial relations between peoples’’. The China is a synthesis of these 2 sentences. Chine reaches its peak economially through globalism. After ıt opened confucius schools in the regions ıt reached. It is emposing its own cultural values directly or in directly. ‘’Especially in Africa’’. Perhaps, a new is borning Frankofonic in Africa. And most importantly China will be a supraterrritorial. In fact, this was secret aim of every state that resisted imperialism. China looks successful for now. But it’s interesting that China is doing it with capitalism. I said interesting because China was a communist for a long time. I mean, capitalism and globalism filling each other. China makes other states dependent on itself and seizes its important areas. It a multinational corporation is going to invest in a country in a conytry, ıt gets something from it. Everything is the mutual in modern world. Unfortunately, the inevitable end of globalism: Economic Dependence. China is doing it very well. China wouldn’t be able to implement this Project without Globalism. Actually, globalism was a Project created by western states for their own purposed. For a while they didn’t  take into account the rising China.

As a concequence, China is becoming an absolute power in the world. But is it stil a communist country? What happened to Mao’s communist opinions?

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